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2016 in the comprehensive promotion of prefabricated building

Author:   Date:2016-09-21  From:  Hits:9

       At the end of 2015, the national housing and urban construction work conference held in Beijing, which is a summary of the meeting the highest level in the field of construction, has the meaning of "the future". At the meeting, the Ministry of housing in 2016 to determine the eight major work, the release of a major positive signal, the future development of the new trend of the future of the city.

In the eight key work, "promote the breakthrough" is listed as a separate assembly building, which shows its importance. At the same time, the Ministry of housing and urban construction minister Chen Zhenggao put forward: 2016, to promote the construction of the assembly made a breakthrough progress. On the basis of full investigation, the development of action plans in the country to promote the overall assembly of the building.

        Since January 1, 2016, the implementation of the "industrial building evaluation standards", also indicates that the 2016 construction industry is about to enter a new stage.

        Why do you want to work out this standard?

        At present, China has initially formed a "government to promote, enterprises to participate in the development of industry," a good posture. The modernization of China's construction industry based on the current status and trend of development, the urgent need to establish a suitable for China's industrialization construction evaluation system, the formulation and implementation of unified specification, evaluation criteria, therefore, according to the "Notice of the Ministry of housing and urban construction on the revision plan issued the 2013 project construction standards" (Standard No. 6) the requirements of the Ministry of housing and urban construction of residential industrialization promotion center, China Construction Science Research Institute in conjunction with the relevant units developed a "industrial building evaluation criteria". The standard preparation work lasted more than two years, has been formally implemented in January 1, 2016.

        What are the main points?

        The evaluation of the industrialization degree of the standard applicable to civil construction. Mainly based on the industrialization of China's industrial construction is higher, more types, more complex, and at the same time the industrialization of civil construction and development level is low, the need to focus on. Therefore, the standard from a realistic point of view, for the evaluation of new civil construction, not including industrial buildings.

It is the first time to define the definition of "prefabricated rate" and "assembly rate". The prefab rate refers to the industrialized building outdoor floor above the main structure and enclosure structure, concrete prefabricated part of the total amount of the corresponding concrete volume ratio. The assembly rate refers to the number of industrialized building prefabricated components and construction parts (or area) the total number of similar components or parts (or area) ratio.

Clear the relevant provisions, namely: the application of the evaluation of the project should be in line with the standardization of design, factory production, assembly construction, integration of decoration, information management of the basic characteristics of industrial construction. This provision is preliminary judge whether the project in line with the basic conditions for the evaluation requirements, reflects the main content of industrial architecture in the mode of production and the basic characteristic, correctly grasp the basic characteristics of these can be avoided for evaluation of the project uncertainty and blindness. The four is to clear the prefabricated language projects should not be lower than the rate 20% basic requirements, the assembly rate should not be less than 50%.

The standard of architectural design, component fabrication, assembly, construction decoration integration construction technology and organization management makes a clear description and definition, embodies the synergy of design, production, transportation, hoisting, construction, decoration and other aspects, has an important role and significance to strengthening construction project of industrialization plan, technical measures, quality control, material supply, post responsibility etc..

The "standard" working group relevant responsible person said, the next step will organize the preparation of standard supporting the use of rules, summarize the experience and the use of evaluation, timely carry out the revision, expand application range, covering more buildings and structures, a more comprehensive definition of industrial building evaluation parameter system and make the whole score the evaluation system is more advanced, scientific and operable.

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